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1. Pre-requisites:

a. Bedtools

b. Bioconductor packages: affy, R.basic and MASS

  type following lines to install these 3 packages in R
  #R.basic and MASS:

2. Usage:

I. Create a folder and place in the folder, MAnorm.r, and all 4 bed files (peak file and read file for the 2 samples under comparison) to be analyzed. II. run command: ./ sample1_peakfile[BED] sample2_peakfile[BED] sample1_readfile[BED] sample2_readfile[BED] sample1_readshift_lentgh[INT] sample2_readshift_length[INT]

3. Example command:

./ sample1_peaks.bed sample2_peaks.bed sample1_read.bed sample2_read.bed 150 150 The first 4 parameters should be input files in bed format with no header lines The first 2 files have ONLY 3 columns: chromosome, start, end. The next 2 files should have 4 columns: chromosome, start, end, strand (+/-) The last 2 parameters are the number of bp to be shifted for each read. These two parameters are found from MACS peak file *_peaks.xls after "# d =". MAnorm.r is called from, and there is no need to run it separately. Please checks file Rcommand.out for the output file from running the R script for error tracking.

4. Output:

4.1 Output files created:

MAnorm_result.xls: Includes all peak coordinates, # raw reads from sample1, #raw reads from sample2, M-value_rescaled, A-value_rescaled, -log10(p-value). This file lists the peak coordinates, raw reads, M and A values, and MA-norm p-value for the set of common peaks in each sample and for the peaks unique to each sample. The file below (MAnorm_result_commonPeak_merged.xls) provides the list of merged common peaks. MAnorm_result_commonPeak_merged.xls: This output file is similar to MAnorm_result.xls, except that the common peaks are merged. This file corresponds to a list of merged peaks for the two samples being compared. sample1_peaks.wig: wig file for sample1 peak list, with the width of the bar representing the M value sample2_peaks.wig: wig file for sample2 peak list, with the width of the bar representing the M value MAplot_before_rescaling (common peaks).png: MAplot for common peaks before MAnorm green line: robust regression red line: LOWESS regression blue line: line M = 0 MAplot_after_rescaling (all peaks).png: MAplot for all peaks after MAnorm red line: LOWESS regression blue line: line M = 0

4.2 Temporary Output files removed after MAnorm is done (If these files are needed, please modify

peak1.bed: sample 1 peak list peak2.bed: sample 2 peak list read1.bed: sample 1 read used for mapping to peaks read2.bed: sample 2 read used for mapping to peaks peak1_dump.bed: sample 1 peaks not used peak2_dump.bed: sample 2 peaks not used read1_dump.bed: sample 1 read NOT used for mapping to peaks read2_dump.bed: sample 2 read NOT used for mapping to peaks

5. other useful scripts:

5.1 description:a useful script for peak classification based on M value, which could be uploaded directly to a genome browser. Required to be in the same folder of MAnorm_result.xls generated by usage: ./ absolute_M-value_cutoff_unbiased absolute_M-value_minimum_for_unique_peaks -log10p_cutoff_unique example_command: ./ 0.5 1 5 In the above example, sample 1 unique peaks (non-concordant peaks) are peaks with M-values greater than 1 and that have a log base 10(p-value) greater than 5. Similarly, sample 2 unique peaks (non-concordant peaks) are peaks with M-values less than (-1) that have a log base 10(p-value) greater than 5. Unbiased peaks (concordant peaks) are peaks with M-values between (-0.5) and (+0.5). output: 3 bed files: 2 unique peak lists and 1 unbiased peak list (Example of output files in "Output" folder)
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